Camellia: Let Your Skin Bloom

Psst… We’re going to let you in on a little secret, a bit of a treasured Japanese beauty secret. Each time you crack into that little black tin of Coral Glow to treat your summer and winter skin woes, a beautiful little flower unleashes its skin-loving goodness.

This little flower is camellia, and while it may sound like a chameleon, we can assure you that the benefits of the oil pulled from these flowers will having standing out in the best ways skin can. It’s the awapuhi of Japan.

Read on to discover the secret of Japan’s most prized hair and skin care flower.

How Do They Grow?

Referred to as the queen of winter flowers, camellias are beautiful evergreen shrubs that are highly prized for their blooms. There are about 250 species of camellias with sprouting flowers ranging from bright red to soft baby pink. Some have even produced white, yellow, and even purple coloring with an array of petal organization. 

For many centuries, before the westernization of Japan, the native Tsubaki, or Camellia, held a special place in Japanese thought. The Shinto religion believed that the gods in spirit form made the flowers of the Tsubaki their home when visiting earth. Plantings of the Tsubaki could be seen in temple gardens, graveyards, and other areas associated with the religious life of the community. Today, many old varieties of camellia can be found in temple compounds in Japan.

One specific variation, Camellia Sinensis, when used as a tea, helps to reduce anxiety and help people fall asleep. In fact, it’s the most common plant in the world to be used as tea. Its small, premature leaves have been used to make green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, and several more. When the seeds are cold-pressed, the oil produced is used for an array of skincare benefits. (We’ll get back to this topic later.)

Camellias are native to Eastern and Southern Asia, mainly sprouting in China, Japan, Korea, India, and Indonesia. They grow no more than 20 feet in height, which is still pretty tall if you ask us! Camellia flowers range from 0.4 to 5 inches and bloom in autumn, winter, and spring. The bushes can live from 100 to 200 years! However, they’ve been known to be difficult to grow, so once you conjure a sprout, it may outlive you. 

Luckily, plant care for camellias is extremely easy, requiring them to be kept in shade to part sun with rich soil. Camellias also enjoy ample moisture and well-drained soil. They’ll also reward you with a long bloom season between fall and spring. If you’re ever interested in growing your tea leaves, you may want to start with camellia! After reading this article, you may even want to grow your own for its amazing hair and skin care benefits.

Reasons Why It's Awesome For Your Face

Remember when we said that camellia seeds can be cold-pressed to produce oil? Well, that oil can do wonders for that beautiful face of yours. 

This oil is known as Camellia Japonica, and it’s renowned for its remarkable ability to retain moisture and penetrate the deepest layers of the skin. In addition, its composition is similar to sebum; the oil naturally produced by human skin. Sebum is our skin’s natural lubricant; it protects against friction and makes it more impervious to moisture. Furthermore, the sebaceous gland transports antioxidants in and on the skin and protects the skin from light. It possesses an innate antibacterial activity and has a pro- and anti-inflammatory function.

Although it isn’t known in other countries, in Japan, Camellia Japonica is liquid gold for beauty care. It’s intensely moisturizing and contains high levels of unsaturated fats that help maintain and replenish the skin’s barrier function. It also helps to protect the skin from UV and any other environmental dangers.

Vitamins A, D, C, and E can be found in Camellia Japonica. Vitamin A has been known to encourage healthy skin cell production, vitamin D supports the growth and repair of these cells, and vitamin E helps the skin retain moisture, making the skin less prone to premature aging.

For skin, camellia oil can provide a clean, porcelain complexion. It protects the skin from drying out while replenishing vital nutrients; because skin care tip #1 is always putting back what you take away. Camellia oil can help skin retain moisture, penetrating the deepest layers of skin. In addition, this oil has been known to help promote skin elasticity, improve complexion, adhere to acne-prone skin, and help to minimize the appearance of scars.

For hair, camellia oil can provide you with the long surfer hair of your dreams. Many Japanese women are praised for having long, lustrous, shiny hair, and their one key ingredient is camellia oil! It can intensely moisturize and condition hair, nourishing, strengthening, and restoring it. It also protects against UV and environmental damage. Ideal for all hair types, camellia oil is hair’s best friend by smoothing hair cuticles without weighing them down, making hair shiny, preventing split ends and dandruff, and treating a dry scalp. If you wish to use camellia as hair oil, we recommend using it as a leave-in conditioner that’s applied to damp hair.


Why We Use It

Camellias are known to represent adoration and devotion, so what better ingredient for us to include in our products than one that symbolizes how we feel about every one of you? We’re devoted to saving our oceans and keeping your hair and skin at pique health, and we adore our oceans and every one of your lovely faces!

In addition to devotion and adoration, camellias represent loveliness, and we hope through our solid face oil, Coral Glow, your loveliness can shine through every seasonal weather condition.

Found in Coral Glow, camellia oil is a natural source of antioxidants and vitamins A and B. It’s most notable for its anti-aging properties, because who doesn’t want to maintain that youthful grom glow? And Coral Glow does more than make your skin’s appearance beautiful, but while utilizing camellia oil, it improves skin’s elasticity and nourishes skin cells. 

The best part about using camellia oil is that it’s a light oil, so it provides your skin with just the right amount of moisture and won’t clog your pores.

So, the secrets out, take advantage of it!

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