Our Story
Surfers who just want to ride clean swell made soap that keeps every head in the ocean happy.

When we moved to Hawaii after finding a love for the board on Florida's east coast, I discovered signs on all of the beach showers to not use soap or shampoos. And yet, most people, especially my beloved dawn patrol friends, squeezed sulfate-filled soap out of plastic bottles to quickly clean up before heading on to work, or after a long day out on the beach.

Not only that, those same soaps and shampoos didn't get the sand out, and they leave hair stripped of natural oils that keep it fresh and healthy. Nor was there a conditioner available that took into account saltwater's effect on hair - that didn't have silicones or a bunch of crazy chemicals in it.
Armed with a cosmetology license, a Bachelor's of Science, and a love of our oceans, mountains, and environment, I created Surf Soap All In One. Touted as "The Queen of Shampoo Bars", this formula cleanses without stripping, and is totally safe to rinse in a groundwater drain. Surf Soap was formulated from the ground up to be biodegradable, ocean safe, reef safe, and plastic free, down to our packaging and biodegradable labels.

I know first hand what making the most of every second of the day means. Not only do I surf, I'm a full-time government employee, mother, spouse, stokemaker, and writer. My husband Ben would live in the ocean if he could.
It is time for a change in the way recreational water sport athletes and beachgoers alike take care of the very thing that enables them to feel endlessly free.

We wanted to ensure that we met the highest standards, and are pursuing certification with the esteemed COSMOS organization. We partner with RIPL Ocean Safe Signature - an organization dedicated to testing and research of ocean-safe ingredients; and passionately support the Surfrider Foundation.
Surf Soap's Mission.
Educate beachgoers about their impact on our oceans.
Empower others to take care of our precious resources and live their best lives.
All the while, provide solutions that ocean lovers can trust - so they can spend more time on the water, and less time wondering about their impact on it.
-Keep our surf clean and our hair happy-
Every single ingredient has been researched to ensure it comes from sustainable practices, is shipped as sustainably as possible, and does no harm when it comes in contact with seawater without being filtered through a treatment plant.
For this reason, our cleansers work differently than typical ones, to include the many bars that are available on the market today. We use no sulfates, so our bars will not foam like typical shampoos. Rest assured, they have been vigorously tested, and will get the sand and saltwater out of your locks without issue.
Other choices we made included making use of hydrosols, which are the leftovers from essential oil manufacturing, to help scent our bars. When we do use essential oils for fragrance, we only use essential oils from reputable, sustainable manufacturers and choose only scents that leave the least impact on our planet. For this reason, our bars may smell differently and not as strong as others.
We are on a mission to show anyone who uses the ocean as their bliss-maker of choice, that we are responsible for leaving it cleaner and better than we found it, so that our groms and our grom's groms can paddle out in clean waters too.

Ben, Kayla, Ellie, Mia, Maria, Melissa & Lynn
- Surf Soap Company -
RIPLOS and COSMOS Certified (pending).